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The convenience of artificial intelligence technology

Release time: 2021-05-27 Pageview: 168

artificial intelligence Technology has become one of the new driving forces to promote social and economic development. It plays an important role in improving social production efficiency, realizing social development and economic transformation.artificial intelligence As the core force leading the transformation of a new generation of industries, it has demonstrated new applications in the medical industry and created new forms in the deep integration.

In fact, compared with manufacturing, communication media, retail, education and other industries,artificial intelligence It is still in the early stage of medical treatment, with a relatively low degree of commercialization and low industry penetration, which is closely related to the nursing and conservatism of the medical industry. However, it is undeniable that the combination of artificial intelligence in the medical industry has solved many problems of traditional medical treatment, with wide market demand, diverse business trends and broad development space.

Novel coronavirus pneumonia is promoted from cloud artificial intelligence The initiative plays a key role in improving the overall anti epidemic efficiency. The epidemic has become the touchstone of artificial intelligence in the medical industry, showing the strength and value of artificial intelligence in medical treatment. From the perspective of application scenarios, AI medical applications are still in their infancy, such as image recognition, remote query, health management, etc.

Among them, image recognition, as a subdivision industry of auxiliary diagnosis, is artificial intelligence The most widely used scenario in the medical industry.

The concept of image diagnosis and treatment originated in the tumor industry, and then extended to the whole medical imaging industry. Understanding medical images and obtaining key information with diagnosis and treatment decision-making value is a very important part in the process of diagnosis and treatment.

In the past, 4-5 doctors needed medical image preprocessing diagnosis. However, based on artificial intelligence image diagnosis, only one doctor carries out quality control and confirmation, which is of great benefit to improve the efficiency of medical behavior.

Artificial intelligence first exploded and landed in medical images, mainly because image data is easy to access and process. Comparative medical records and other data have been accumulated for more than three or five years, and image data can be obtained only a few seconds at a time. An image film can reflect most of the patient's condition and become the direct basis for doctors to determine the treatment plan.

The huge and standardized database of medical images and the continuous progress of intelligent image recognition algorithms provide a solid foundation for the application of artificial intelligence medicine in this industry.

From a technical point of view, medical image diagnosis mainly relies on image recognition and deep learning. According to the clinical diagnosis path, firstly, image recognition technology is applied to the perception link to analyze and process unstructured image data and obtain useful information.

Secondly, using deep learning technology, a large number of clinical image data and diagnostic experience are input into the artificial intelligence model to make the neural network deeply learn and train. Finally, based on the algorithm model of continuous verification and grinding, the intelligent reasoning of image diagnosis is carried out. Output personalized diagnosis and treatment results.

Based on image recognition and deep learning artificial intelligence Combined with medical images, it can meet at least three needs.

1. Focus recognition and labeling, i.e. al segmentation, feature extraction, quantitative analysis, comparative analysis, etc. of medical image products.

To meet this demand, the automatic recognition and labeling system of medical images such as X-ray, CT and MRI can greatly improve the diagnostic efficiency of image doctors. At present, Al medical imaging system can quickly complete the processing of more than 100000 images in a few seconds, improve the diagnostic accuracy, especially reduce the probability of false negative diagnostic results.

2. Automatic target division and adaptive radiotherapy.

Automatic target mapping and adaptive radiotherapy products can help radiation therapists automatically draw 200-450 CT films, which can be greatly reduced to 30 minutes. And in the process of 15 ~ 20 times of computer irradiation, the lesion location is continuously identified to realize adaptive radiotherapy, which can effectively reduce the damage of radiation to the patient's healthy tissue.

3. 3D image reconstruction.

The standard algorithm based on gray statistics and the standard algorithm based on feature points can solve the problem of fault image standard, save standard time, and play a role in lesion location, lesion range, benign and malignant lesion recognition, surgical scheme design and so on.

In terms of implementation direction, the current layout direction of Al medical imaging products in China is mainly concentrated in the chest, head, pelvic cavity, limb joints and other parts, mainly focusing on tumor and chronic disease screening.

stay artificial intelligence At the beginning of the development and application of medical imaging, pulmonary nodule and fundus screening is a hot industry. With the maturity and iteration of technology in the past two years, the main Al medical Image Company is expanding its business scope. Bone age testing for breast cancer, stroke and bone joint has become a key industry for market participants. Quantitative analysis and evaluation novel coronavirus pneumonia with aluminum imaging has become the key force to improve diagnostic efficiency and diagnostic quality.

Dual entry of policy capital.

If the relative accessibility and processability of image data are artificial intelligence The main reasons for the first explosion and landing in medical images, the support of national policies and a large number of capital access give artificial intelligence the power to constantly update in the application of medical images.

From the perspective of the new policy, from 2013 to 2017, various government departments issued a series of policies to continuously increase support for domestic medical image equipment, third-party independent medical image diagnosis center, telemedicine and other industries.

At the end of 2016, the State Council issued the national strategic emerging industry development plan of the 13th five year plan, repeatedly mentioned medical imaging, and pointed out that developing high-quality medical imaging equipment and supporting enterprises, medical institutions and research institutions to jointly build a third-party imaging center. The national development and Reform Commission included medical imaging equipment and services in January 2017.

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