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Remote monitoring of private smart cars?

Release time: 2021-05-18 Pageview: 151

Have you ever thought about your own Intelligent networked vehicle Will it be remotely controlled by hackers? Your privacy data may be uploaded to the Internet, such as a moving car, sudden brake failure, etc. This is not a science fiction movie, but Intelligent automobile era The reality we face.

With the deepening of automobile intelligence and networking, automobile has become a mobile and interactive intelligent network terminal, which brings convenience to life. At the same time, it also produces problems such as remote attack, malicious control, privacy protection, data security and so on.

Intelligent network vehicle safety has become the focus of public attention, and the trillion dollar market scale has also attracted the attention of the industry. At the national two sessions in 2021, the representative members of electronic information and automobile industry focused on building intelligent network vehicle system safety.

The security problem of intelligent network has occurred intensively

Since 2020, intelligent network vehicle safety problems have erupted intensively. At the two sessions in 2021, which attracted public attention, representatives and members have put forward more than a dozen suggestions and motions to deeply examine the safety risks of vehicle network.

In 2020, hackers attacked the new key clone successfully developed by Tesla Motors. In less than 5 minutes, Tesla worth more than 700000 yuan was remotely controlled. In September 2020, the automotive network security researcher of Qianxin, a leading domestic network security enterprise, began to set out by displaying the windows and rear-view mirrors of smart cars remotely and online.

In fact, as early as 2015, two white hat hackers remotely controlled Cherokee (free light) driving on the road, such as slowing down, turning off the engine, sudden speed, turning off the engine, sudden braking or brake failure. Chrysler had to recall 1.4 million cars worldwide.

Moreover, as a mobile data collection and transmitter, all smart cars can obtain the owner's identity, action track, driving habits, address book and dialogue connected with mobile phone Bluetooth. The owner drives everywhere and has a glance at people, places, things and things. After the car goes online, the above security risks become more prominent. The excessive collection and cross-border use of on-board data not only infringe on the user's privacy, but also threaten the national security.

According to upstream, the publicly reported intelligent network network security The number of attacks increased sharply from 80 in 2018 to 155 in 2019. In 2020, malicious attacks by vehicle enterprises, automobile network information service providers and other related enterprises and platforms reached more than 2.8 million.

Information security is the fourth security issue in the automotive field after autonomous security, passive security and functional security.Information security of intelligent network vehicle It will not only lead to economic losses of enterprises and disclosure of personal privacy, but also bring serious consequences to personal safety and threaten the public security of the country. Zhu Lifeng, deputy to the 13th National People's Congress and party secretary and President of CLP industrial Internet Co., Ltd., told reporters.

The security risks brought by the development of intelligent network vehicles have not only attracted the common attention of government departments, enterprises and users, but also brought huge market opportunities.

In February 2020, 11 departments including central network communication jointly issued the intelligent vehicle innovation and development strategy, which clearly proposed to ensure the security control of user information, vehicle information, surveying and mapping geographic information and other data. Improve the data security management system, strengthen supervision and inspection, and carry out data risk and data exit safety evaluation.

In December 2020, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development and the Ministry of industry and information technology jointly issued the document "cooperative development of intelligent urban infrastructure and intelligent network vehicles".

On February 24, 2021, the national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network planning outline was released to establish an integrated perception platform and promote the cooperative development of intelligent network vehicles and modern digital cities.

With the increase of national policies, the segment market of intelligent vehicle safety began to rise.

McKinsey predicts that the economic scale of the intelligent network industry ecological chain will reach US $1.9 trillion in 2025, and China will become the world leader Intelligent network industry An important promoter and beneficiary of development. Li Jun, academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering and director of the national intelligent network automobile innovation center, said that intelligent vehicles form a new, 10 trillion level new industrial ecosystem that has a far-reaching impact on the future. Many industry experts predict that the subdivided intelligent vehicle safety market will be 100 billion.

Zhang Xinghai, deputy to the National People's Congress and founder and President of Xiaokang Co., Ltd., believes that in order to ensure the security of national data, we must take data security as one of the new necessary indicators, promote the development of independent brands, and develop core technologies such as three power (battery, electrical drive, electrical control) and intelligent network.

Not only hardware security, but also software security Intelligent network industry New security infrastructure. Wu Yunkun, President of Qianxin and co president of tram, pointed out that to build a security framework system of in-depth defense for intelligent vehicles, vehicle enterprises and information security enterprises jointly explore integrated and innovative intelligent vehicle security solutions and build an automotive network security technology ecology. These include intelligent network security technology center, industrial network security big data operation center of automobile industry, etc.

Qianxin first set up Qiwu security laboratory internally to focus on the research of intelligent network security technology. Then, at the Hunan Network Security Intelligent Manufacturing Conference in November 2019, Qianxin cooperated with BAIC bluevalley information and CLP network security system laboratory, and its research directions include security technology, security evaluation and certification, automotive industry network security, etc.

In 2020, Qianxin and CLP jointly funded the establishment of China tramway joint, focusing on 5g + Internet of vehicles + security. At present, Qianxin has developed Internet of vehicles security evaluation and intelligent Internet of vehicles demonstration security products and service system. At the same time, Qianxin has direct cooperation with more than a dozen automobile enterprises such as BAIC, Chang'an Automobile, GAC, Geely and SAIC.

Building a national intelligent network vehicle security system

In terms of ensuring intelligent network automobile safety, automobile enterprises, Qianxin and other safety enterprises began to explore and practice, and relevant national departments also strengthened the promotion of safety.

Public information shows that in the relevant technology application demonstration projects released by the Ministry of industry and information technology, the security of intelligent network vehicle system has obvious involvement. Among them, the automobile network security comprehensive service platform and automobile network security evaluation system established by Qianxin have become the network security technology application test demonstration project of the Ministry of industry and information technology in 2020. Qianxin's automotive network endogenous security terminal autonomous defense system and automotive network security operation management center have become important technology and platform innovation, comprehensive innovation and integrated application demonstration projects of the Internet of things of the science and Technology Department of the Ministry of industry and information technology from 2020 to 2021.

At this year's two sessions, representatives and members suggested that China Intelligent network industry In the period of rapid development, the security of intelligent network system should be laid out in advance, planned synchronously and developed cooperatively.

We should comprehensively promote the cooperative development of intelligent network vehicles, intelligent network roads and modern digital cities with safety traction. Zhu Lifeng said that it is recommended to conduct intelligent network automobile information security test in advance, further improve the relevant specifications, standards and technical supervision of information security based on intelligent network automobile industry data, support the advance planning of information security in the conceptual design stage of intelligent network automobile, and advocate advanced technology to ensure process security. At the same time, we will build important technology platform applications such as smart network big data security perception based on Xinchuang system, explore a new model based on smart network data + block chain + insurance + Digital RMB, and promote the safety development of the industry.

Chen Hong, deputy to the National People's Congress, Secretary of the Party committee and President of SAIC, said that an access system must be established at the national level, and the collection, storage and commercial use of intelligent network coupling data (including high-precision map data) must be filed and managed by relevant departments. The manufacturing and sales enterprises of intelligent network vehicles should pay attention to information security risks and establish a perfect data security management and software upgrade process.

Zeng Qinghong, deputy to the National People's Congress, Secretary of the Party committee and President of GAC group, suggested that laws and regulations must go first in developing intelligent networks. We should improve the current traffic safety regulations as soon as possible, confirm the legal subject qualification of mechanical drivers, speed up the formulation and publication of technical standards related to automatic driving, and improve policies and regulations related to road testing.

Zeng Qinghong pointed out that while ensuring the existing bicycle intelligent technology route, we should vigorously support the technical route of the combination of vehicle intelligence and network sharing, encourage network security enterprises to pay attention to automobile network security, support the joint development of automobile enterprises and information security enterprises, and jointly promote the development of intelligent network industry.

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