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Where will ZTE go in the future

Release time: 2021-01-11 Pageview: 333

    From the past development law of mobile communication technology, odd generations such as 1g and 3G usually bring subversive historical changes. Therefore, for 5g countries, it can be said that they have broken the head.Finally, China, who has been running behind, turned the tide and realized the essential leap from 0 to 1 From followers to leaders, we have made remarkable achievements!

    In 2020, iplytics, an international patent statistics company from Germany, published patent statistics on 5g core technologies in the world in 2020.It can be seen from the list that Huawei, a Chinese communication equipment supplier, took the lead and won the title with a share of 15.05%. ZTE's share was 11.7%, surpassing Qualcomm's 8.19%, and successfully ranked fifth in the world.

    It can be seen that Chinese communication equipment enterprises rank very high in the world.

    Under Huawei's magnesium lamp, ZTE's attention is slightly dim, but in fact, ZTE's strength is also very strong and worthy of attention.

    By the end of September 2020, ZTE had won 55 5g commercial orders in the world, ranking the fourth in the world.In the third quarter of 2020, ZTE 5g communication equipment accounted for 14.2% of the global market share, ranking the third in the world.

    What's more, I got the news from Li Zizi, chairman of ZTE: in the third quarter of 2020, the world market share of ZTE 5g base station accounted for 33%, ranking second in the world. From ZTE's achievements, we can see that its strength is also quite strong and its performance is excellent.

    Today, ZTE has become the world's leading manufacturer of comprehensive communication equipment, serving more than 25% of the world's population and sending its business to more than 160 countries and regions.

    At present, ZTE has three major businesses: consumer business, government enterprise business and operator network business. Among them, operator network business is the most important for ZTE, supporting more than 70% of the company's revenue.At the same time, ZTE's operator network business has huge development space.In China alone, in order to realize the 5g national monopoly, about 5 million 5g base stations need to be built.This has brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges to ZTE.

    In 2020, ZTE and Huawei won more than 86% of the 5g wireless bidding of operators, far exceeding 65% in 4G.

Moreover, ZTE has broader development space in the global market.

    It is reported that at present, 46 operators in the world have 5g commercialization, and 79 operators have 5g business plans.

All these have given ZTE great development opportunities.

    Unfortunately, the United States frequently blackmailed Chinese operators, hindering the global business of Huawei and ZTE. Some time ago, Sweden even ordered to prohibit its operators from using Huawei and ZTE equipment.

    To sum up, ZTE now faces not only opportunities but also challenges. Next, let's wait and see if ZTE can turn the tide and make another success!

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