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The real situation of China Mobile Communications 2019, 4G and 5g will coexist in the next decade!

Release time: 2020-12-08 Pageview: 306


2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China. Looking back on the past 70 years, China's political, economic, cultural construction and social life have undergone amazing changes that have attracted world attention, creating a new situation in the development of China's socialist modernization.

During this period, the rapid development of China's communication industry is an epitome of social and economic development.Find a way to install a fixed telephone from the trust relationship to the national pager (BB);From a single voice service to providing diversified and personalized communication and information services for any individual at any time and any place... Today, China has led the world into the 5g era and truly realized from "seeing words like face" to "interconnection of all things".

In June 1983, the world's first mobile phone "dynatac 8000x" was launched by Motorola. At that time, China was in an important stage of accelerating the construction of infrastructure telecommunications facilities. Fixed phones gradually entered thousands of households. "Upstairs and downstairs, electric light phones" became the representative of "well-off" life. In November 1987, nearly 10 years after the deployment of 1G network in advanced countries, Guangdong Provincial Post and Telecommunications Administration under the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications opened and operated the first analog cellular mobile phone system in the mainland in Guangzhou, and the first batch of 700 mobile phone users were born. This mobile communication device called "big brother" has slowly entered our life. To use a mobile phone, you first have to pay a network access fee of 6000 yuan, and the information is 0.5 yuan per minute. At that time, such users were completely the big brother among the big brothers.

In this case, the former mobile communication bureau of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (the predecessor of China Mobile) quickly took the second generation mobile communication system GSM mobile communication network as the focus of mobile communication network development. In 1994, the first GSM network was established in Guangdong Province, which was relatively developed at that time.In 1997, after the total number of mobile phone users exceeded 10 million, the number of mobile phone users developed rapidly.In a short time, under the background of the great development of mobile communication technology, mobile phone has completed the evolution from a luxury that only a few people can afford to become a necessity for everyone.

With the rapid growth of mobile communication users in China, mobile communication services have evolved from a single voice mobile communication service to a comprehensive information service integrating short MMS and streaming media. On the premise that the reform and reorganization of telecom enterprises are basically completed, in January 2009, the Ministry of industry and information technology issued 3G licenses and issued three 3G licenses TD-SCDMA, CDMA2000 and WCDMA to China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom respectively, which means that the three mobile operators will shoulder the important task of collaborative innovation, industrialization and commercialization of the whole 3G industrial chain. Taking China Mobile as an example, it has promoted the industry to achieve a breakthrough from "no core" to "core", built an end-to-end complete industrial chain for the first time, and realized the successful commercial application of the first independent intellectual property 3G standard in China's century long communication history.

I don't know when, when asked "what time is it now", people will immediately subconsciously turn on their mobile phones to watch the time;With the development of mobile communication technology, it has become the mainstream way for people to obtain all kinds of information services through mobile communication network.

Synchronous 4G Technology

Based on the rapid development of 4G high-speed communication network and intelligent terminal, the mobile Internet era is mainly characterized by various app applications, which makes people experience unprecedented life changes.

Mankind's pursuit of technology is endless. When 4G development is in the ascendant, 5g has become the focus and hotspot of the industry. As a pioneer in 5g R & D, China has completed the world's first 5g test project under the guidance and planning of the state. According to the data, as of 2018, the number of 5g patent applications in China ranked first in the world. The 5g SA network architecture standard led by China Mobile has become a new generation mobile communication network architecture standard led by Chinese companies for the first time. China Mobile has formulated the "three five" plan to build more than 50000 5g base stations in 50 cities by the end of 2019. By 2020, it will be able to provide 5g commercial services in all cities above prefecture level. According to CCID, China will build at least 11.4 million 5g base stations in the next five years, laying a solid foundation for 5g coverage.

On December 13, China's 5g economic report 2020 released in Beijing showed that in 2020, 5g business will promote investment of 900 billion yuan (RMB, the same below) in China and create 540000 jobs. A joint research group composed of experts from China International Economic Exchange Center, National Economic Consulting Co., Ltd. and China Academy of communications and communications studied and completed the report. The report was released at the "China 5g economic seminar" held on the 13th.

The report predicts that in terms of direct economic contribution, 5g will create a total output of 6.3 trillion yuan and economic value-added of 2.9 trillion yuan in 2030; In terms of indirect economic contribution, 5g created a total output of 10.6 trillion yuan and an economic value-added of 3.6 trillion yuan.

Zhang Jin also said,In the 5g era, operators are facing severe challenges such as large construction funds, weak willingness of consumer users to pay, pipeline thinking and organization mode to be adjusted. 5g network construction will be a step-by-step process. 4G and 5g will coexist in the next decade. It is expected that 5g user penetration will be 48% in 2025.

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With the development of mobile communications in China, from "1G/2G follow", "3G breakthrough", "4G synchronization" to "5G leading", from the telephone, SMS, broadband, wireless Internet, infinite application to everything interconnection, from simple communication to Internet plus, Chinese consumers experience the historical process of "linking changes in life", and become the "digital dividend" brought by "connection". Direct beneficiaries of. China's communication industry is developing at an unimaginable speed, which shocked the world. China has led the development trend of global mobile network technology and has become a real mobile network power.

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