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National new energy vehicle innovation engineering expert: driving range should follow the development of battery technology

Release time: 2021-01-20 Pageview: 227

    If someone says that his car can run 1000 kilometers and fill up the electricity in more than ten minutes, and it is especially safe and the cost is very low, we don't need to believe it, because it's impossible. " Ouyang Minggao, academician of the Academy of engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, made a speech at the 2021 community forum of China's 100 people's Association of pure electric vehicles (hereinafter referred to as the community forum) on the 16th, which aroused widespread concern.

Incidentally, Guangzhou Toyota ea'an, the holding subsidiary of GAC group, announced the poster trailer of its new upgraded power lithium battery high-tech the day before yesterday, saying that the vehicle series equipped with graphene based super fast charging battery can fill 80% in 8 minutes, and the vehicle series equipped with silicon negative charging battery has a endurance of 1000 km.

At this stage, Guangzhou Toyota has responded to the views of academicians of the Academy of engineering, saying that it is not necessary to confuse technical improvement with commercial service marketing promotion. But the graphene battery at the center of the storm still faces one of the most critical objections: is it reliable?

Is the new battery reliable?

According to the publicity poster released by Guangzhou Toyota AIAN on the 15th, there are three key flash points of graphene based super fast charging battery: super fast charging + long endurance + very safety.

On the 17th, Gu Huinan, manager of Guangzhou Toyota ea'an, replied to the views of academicians of the Academy of engineering at the community forum, so that everyone didn't have to understand Ouyang Minggao's words. "The original sentence of academicians of Huangfu Academy of engineering is that they can not only run 1000 kilometers, but also charge quickly, but also cost-effective. It's unlikely. Everyone forgot the cost-effective.

Screen capture of publicity poster of GAC group

On the 18th, the graphene concept new house opened higher, and the A-share of GAC group once rose by the limit, closing up 5.43%. The main performance of H shares of GAC group was quite different, once falling more than 10% and closing down 8.10%.

The published materials show that graphene is a two-dimensional carbon nanocomposite composed of oxygen atoms with honeycomb lattice constant. As a new nanocomposite with ultra-thin, high compressive strength and the strongest conductivity and heat transfer performance found at this stage. For rechargeable batteries, graphene materials are used as conductive agent and electrical grade lithium embedded raw materials.

Zeng Qinghong, the general manager of GAC group, said: "Guangzhou Toyota graphene based fast charging battery has entered the real vehicle product test at this stage. The first equipped vehicle is aionv. At this stage, the winter experiment has been conducted in Mudanjiang, and the professional title has been applied for mass production in September 2020." Gu Huinan showed that it is not necessary to confuse technical improvement with commercial service marketing promotion, "There is no doubt that a car with a endurance of 1000 km will go out in 2020, and there is no doubt that a fast charging will go out. It can fill 1000 km in 8 minutes in theory.

Theoretically feasible and mass production are two different things. Car market analyst Zhang Xiang, in an interview with Zhongxin Jingwei mobile phone client, showed that manufacturers have a high probability of rubbing hot graphene batteries at this stage. The problem lies in that although the raw materials of graphene are very cheap, the manufacturing cost is very high, and there is no large-scale mass production and application at the level of rechargeable batteries. An industry authoritative expert who declined to be named also felt that graphene batteries did not meet the mass production standard at this stage, and the commercialization was very difficult.

In addition, Zhang Xiang also questioned that he basically didn't hear the technical discussion of graphene battery at the automobile manufacturing conference in recent years. "If a new technology application is to be commercialized on a large scale, there is no doubt that many enterprises were doing scientific research in the early stage, but now only one enterprise stands up and says it will be improved. Graphene batteries will be mass produced, which is lack of basic and very easy to be suspicious." he also mentioned that Guangzhou Toyota did not release the statement that the battery will be charged for 8 minutes The actual test report of 1000 km, so I hesitate to analyze the feasibility of ground mounted graphene battery.

Looking forward to the report of the Industrial Research Institute, it is felt that at this stage, China's graphene material field is in the sales market investment period, the commodities are not perfect, and the gross profit margin in the field is low. According to the materials released by GAC group at this stage, Guangzhou Toyota grasps the technology of graphene material preparation, and the product cost can be reduced by more than 90%, making the overall lithium battery cost slightly higher than that of the basic power lithium battery on the market at this stage, by 5% - 8%.

Does the sales market agree?

Some professionals interviewed by Zhongxin Jingwei mobile phone client felt that the objection of Guangzhou Toyota graphene battery was more than technical. "Generally speaking, the company only publicized and planned when it has been completed and put into operation, but now there is no specific effect." some professionals also frankly said: "The long driving distance of a single electric vehicle does not mean that it is technical. It can be completed by installing more rechargeable batteries." professionals widely believe that in addition to driving endurance, we must comprehensively consider problems such as safety, cost and customer acceptance.

For most pure electric vehicles, the mileage of 1000 kilometers is not needed. Unless there is a new improvement in the new battery, but we haven't seen it yet." Wang Binggang, leader of the expert group of China's new energy vehicle independent innovation project, analyzed the Zhongxin Jingwei mobile phone client and said that under today's technical strength, the cost of long-range driving mileage is vehicle weight, cost and energy consumption. Such main parameters themselves are unscientific, so we must treat them correctly. The driving mileage should gradually improve with the development trend of new batteries, not However, it is not worth advocating.

Bai Ma Wang Zidong, vice chairman of the independent innovation alliance of the domestic automotive power lithium battery industry chain, also indicated to the China Singapore Jingwei mobile phone client, "how many pure electric vehicles must be 1000 kilometers? How much does the energy consumption of 1000 kilometers? I personally think the company should spend its thoughts on who nuclear powered vehicles are better." Prince charming Dong thinks that the technical aspect is second, but from the perspective of safety, energy conservation and consumption reduction, it is not appropriate to favor the mileage of pure electric vehicles.

In particular, in addition to Guangzhou Toyota ea'an, many automobile enterprises have also released the "1000 km rechargeable battery". On January 13, zhijiqi, a subsidiary of BYD group, announced that the first vehicle series cooperated with Ganfeng lithium industry to supplement lithium with "Silicon" For rechargeable batteries, the larger mileage will exceed 1000 km; on January 9, Weilai automobile announced 155kwh solid-state battery, saying that the endurance of NEDC equipped with this rechargeable battery can reach 1000 km.

Zeng Yuqun, the boss of Ganfeng lithium industry, also announced at the community forum that in the future, the Bev battery pack of Ganfeng lithium industry will be able to complete performance parameters such as endurance of more than 1000km, fast charging of 10 minutes and service life of 2 million km in 16 years.

Compared with the popularity of the company, many industry analysts feel that we should remain rational. Before releasing the above view, Ouyang Minggao mentioned that the continuous innovation of lithium battery materials is a very thick and thin thing, and we must work hard for a long time. "Because we want to balance the different characteristics and Applications such as lithium kinetic energy, service life, safety, fast charging, cost and so on.

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