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Use and inspection standard of harness heat shrinkable tube

Release time: 2021-09-03 Pageview: 125

Harness heat shrinkable tube is a very common component, which is mainly used for dust and water protection of iron point, ring end and crimp point.

1. Ground point heat shrinkage

When heat shrinkable at the junction of the harness, the heat shrinkable tube shall wrap all copper wires. After heat shrinkage, the copper wire visible at the end of the lap terminal shall cover all heat shrinkage pipes or sealant.

After heat shrinkage, the following standards shall be met:

(1) The copper wire shall not pierce the heat shrinkable pipe;

(2) Heat shrinkable tube wrapping wire skin at least 1 cm;

(3) The heat shrinkable tube shrinks evenly and fits the wire and terminal. There shall be no visual gap between the rubber surface, heat shrinkable tube, terminal and wire after heat shrinkable; The heat shrinkable pipe and wire skin shall not be scorched or heat shrinkable in place.

2. Connection point heat shrinkable

For thermal shrinkage of wiring points, in addition to checking the wiring status before thermal shrinkage, ensure that there is no single wire falling off, copper wire falling off and sealant overflowing from both ends of the thermal shrinkage pipe after thermal shrinkage.

The completion of thermal shrinkage shall also meet the following requirements:

(1) The copper wire shall not pierce the heat shrinkable pipe;

(2) Heat shrinkable tube wrapping wire skin at least 1 cm;

(3) The heat shrinkable tube shrinks evenly and fits the wire and terminal. There shall be no visual gap between the rubber surface, heat shrinkable tube, terminal and wire after heat shrinkable; The heat shrinkable pipe and wire skin shall not be scorched or heat shrinkable in place;

(4) If unilateral wiring is adopted, at least 1cm shall be reserved at the wireless end of the heat shrinkable tube after wiring;

(5) The wire diameter at both ends shall be reasonably arranged for heat shrinkage. The cross-sectional area of wire diameter at both ends and the outer diameter of one end of the multi wire shall be less than 3 times of the side with few wires. For example, the less line side is 1 square line, and the maximum on the multi line side is 3 square lines. If it is greater than this specification, it shall be adjusted to ensure the heat shrinkage quality of the heat shrinkable pipe.

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